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Target - Phil Taylor Gen 6 Darts - Swiss Point - Steel Tip - 95% Tungsten - 22g 24g 26g

2 in stock


The Phil Taylor Power 9Five Generation 6 from Target Darts. Each barrel features hand sandblasting at the rear section of the barrel only, using extremely fine particles to create a distinct matte texture.

The barrel itself is a move away from Phil's previous generations with a different shape and comes in a natural finish giving it a sleek and modern design.

The Generation 6 dart also comes with a new titanium shaft with enhanced grooves at the base of the shaft for added grip.

The new range features Swiss Point technology? What is Swiss Point? Swiss Point is a patented interchangeable point system which allows you to switch your point length, style and colour in seconds with the pocket-sized Swiss Point tool being all you need to remove and install your points.

The patented locking system uses taper and thread technology, ensuring your points will not come loose during play.

Swiss Points feature a strategically engineered groove which ensures broken points can still be removed with the Swiss Point tool. Swiss Points are only compatible with Target Darts SP barrels.


  • 1 Set of 3 90% Tungsten Darts
  • 1 Set of 3 Titanium G6 Shafts
  • 1 Set of 3 Signature Flights
  • 1 Set of 3 Swiss Points
  • 1 Swiss Point Tool


Weight Length Width Tungsten %
 22 grams  44.0mm  7.60mm  95%
 24 grams  44.5mm  7.65mm  95%
 26 grams  44.5mm  8.00mm  95%

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